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Feel like in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+10Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: feelfeel outlikeunlikelikelylikewiseunlikelyand the likeMeaning: v. have an inclination for something or some activity. 
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151 It's an amazing ride. You really feel like you're flying.
152 She would feel like a spoiled child insisting that she wanted to go home.
153 Walk up to the gates and you feel like you have been sandbagged in the stomach.
154 Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush. Doug Larson 
155 She didn't like being made to feel like an underage teenager who couldn't control her emotions.
156 I feel like I left these careless notes lying around informing the world of my every move.
157 You never really feel like you have accomplished anything tangible.
158 It doesn't feel like fair play,[] but I have to forgive them.
159 It must have been odd for Ralph, I thought, to feel like an intruder in his own library.
160 But it has started to feel like I am being rude and ungrateful, dO you understand?
161 The heat of the day made the gymnasium feel like an oven.
162 You made me feel like I was your family, a part of you.
163 I feel like I can move more freely constantly moving with my partners, changing my role as needed.
164 I feel like I have a corpse in the passenger seat.
165 Do you feel like going out for a drink tonight?
166 What makes earth feel like hell is our expectation that it should feel like heaven. Chuck Palahniuk 
167 Rolling blackouts and spiraling heat and electric bills surely feel like a crisis to many homeowners and businesses.
168 After a disastrous first marriage to a young soldier, Kylie didn't feel like rushing into another relationship.
169 The central question, however, is: what does it feel like to be a humanities student?
170 What would it feel like to abandon herself to his touch?
171 I didn't feel like asking for more details, because they were obviously bad.
172 Many of these huts provide overnight accommodation if you feel like being a bit adventurous.
173 I laughed at how easily the man could make me feel like a fool.
174 I feel like a naughty schoolkid who's standing in front of the headmaster.
175 Which is why I feel like I sort of owe him this.
176 It was furnished with a certain meanness of equipment that made them feel like poor relations.
177 Inevitably, New Historicist case studies of specific texts and specific contexts start to feel like metaphors for the whole culture.
178 They're specially chosen for summer drinking, when you feel like giving yourselves a connoisseur's treat.
179 I love Barry and I feel like I have known him all my life.
180 When farmers feel like owners, the theory goes, they will guard against the thieving that feeds the black market.
More similar words: feelfeel outlikeunlikelikelylikewiseunlikelyand the likelikelihoodsomething likecompellingsatellitemachiavellianfeefeed onfeedbackheelpeelsteelkneelhikebikefreelystrikewheelchaircall inall in allfill inroll inpull in
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